Commodore 64 Assembly Programming Course

I just started a free Commodore 64 programming course on YouTube. It covers a lot of topics related to the C64. It’s also a complete tutorial for making a Commodore 64 game from scratch.

8 thoughts on “Commodore 64 Assembly Programming Course

    1. baardbi Post author

      Thank you. No. Unfortunately I didn’t think about GitHub when I made this course, but several code examples can be found on my Downloads page (including the complete test game).

  1. Niclas

    Hi and thank you for a very good programming course.
    It seems like the download links for the course are broken?
    I’m mostly interested in the “Part 34 – Joes’s Crazy Adventure Source Code”, but when I click it, nothing happens. I tried two different browsers but couldn’t download.

  2. Carsten

    Hey baardbi,

    This tutorial is fantastic!
    In the last decades every now and then I tried to put my hands on Assembly programming but always got frustrated very fast.
    This is the first time that I really begin too understand what’s going on inside the C64.
    I wish you would have taught me 40 years earlier!

    Thank you very much!

    Carsten from Germany


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