Author Archives: baardbi

One Channel Becomes Two

Today I separated my YouTube channel into two different channels. The old channel (board-b Tutorials) has become Commodore Tutorials and I created a new channel dedicated to NESmaker videos, called Unofficial NESmaker Tutorials. All the old NESmaker videos have been re-uploaded to the new channel, and that’s where all future NESmaker videos will be published.

You can find the channels here:

Commodore Tutorials

Unofficial NESmaker Tutorials

Nosey Joe The Power Mystery is now FREE + New Game

I made the decision to make Nosey Joe the Power Mystery free. It’s a game I started working on back in 2020. Over the years I have made fixes and updates for it. I think there may still be a few bugs here and there in the game though.

I also posted another game on today. It’s a game I have been working on since the summer of 2024 and I consider it a beta version at this stage. The game is called Theo’s Task and is a metroidvania style game with the ability to play normal mode or randomizer. So far I don’t have original music for it, so I’m using the tutorial music and sound effects from NESmaker 4.1.5. It’s a free download if you want to try it out.

Nosey Joe The Power Mystery – Revision 2.0

I just uploaded a major revision of Nosey Joe The Power Mystery on This is revision 2.0. I did this instead of doing a complete remake of the game, like previously announced, because the game is so complex that it wouldn’t be worth spending my time on that. Instead I have done this revision and also working on finishing up Nosey Joe VS. The IT-Bandit. Personally I feel this revision has drastically improved the game. Hopefully others will feel the same way.

The game is available on as a digital download ($5 USD).

Nosey Joe – The Power Mystery by baardbi

Nosey Joe Remake

I was never really satisfied with Nosey Joe The Power Mystery. So I have started to remake the game from the ground up with all new graphics and code. Nosey Joe VS. The IT-Bandit is almost complete, but I’m going to delay the release of that game since I might reuse some of the new graphics.

Nosey Joe Updates

The latest beta version of Nosey Joe VS. The IT-Bandit (NES) can be downloaded for free if you have already purchased Nosey Joe The Power Mystery.

I have started developing a Nosey Joe game for Game Boy. It’s currently very very early in development, so there is currently not a lot of progress to show off. However, you can see screenshots on the Portfolio page.

Nosey Joe The Power Mystery has been updated to Rev. 1.2. This includes the following updates:

– Updated graphics on levels

– A few minor changes on level design (some tiles have been added or moved around)

– A few minor bug-fixes

– Added a short music loop on intro screen