Author Archives: baardbi

Nosey Joe – The Power Mystery is available for purchase at

Finally! After three years, the game is released at last. The kickstarter is cancelled. That means there won’t be a physical release. At least not for now. It may happen at some point in the future, but for now it’s a digital download only.

Available on

Screenshot of the first level of Nosey Joe – The Power Mystery.
The initial drawing that started the whole thing (1 January 2020).

Zombiehunter Bob is “finished”

Tomorrow is the submission date for the NESmaker ByteOff 2022 competition. I have been working on this project for almost six weeks now and I feel the game is as good as it’s going to get for now. Sure there are a few bugs here and there, but I found that trying to fix all these bugs right before the end is not a good idea. I ended up breaking more stuff in the code and it’s just not worth it. So, here it is.

Zombiehunter Bob for the NES